Calves suffering from

ringworm should be

treated to avoid

infection in humans

Ringworm infections

Calves usually get infected with Trichophyton verrucosum via direct or indirect contact with calves suffering from ringworm infection.

Ringworm infections, caused by Trichophyton verrucosum are amongst the commonest skin diseases in calves. Spores of Trichophyton verrucosum can survive in the environment for a long time, particularly if weather conditions are dry. Calves usually get infected via direct or indirect contact with infected animals. Indirect contact is often via equipment that is not properly cleaned and disinfected.

The impact of ringworm infections on calf health and performance is usually small, but ringworm infections in calves have zoonotic potential, calves infected with Trichophyton verrucosum can infect humans via direct contact. For this reason, calves suffering from ringworm should be treated with an antifungal. Several ringworm treatments for calves exist, one of the challenges that come with ringworm treatment in calves is that the treatment period can be relatively long. Trichophyton verrucosum does not like ultra-violet light. Therefore, if calves are exposed to sunlight, the result of treatment is usually much better and skin lesions disappear much faster.

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