Meet us at IPVS

The 26th International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress will take place from June 21st to the 24th, 2022, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Trouw Nutrition, Nutreco’s livestock feed business line, will demonstrate how science-based nutrition can protect pig health and profitability.

Visit us at our booth

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Find us here!

Stop by our Trouw Nutrition booth at the IPVS exhibit location and talk to our swine experts.


Win a prize!

Share your views on antibiotic use. Answer 13 questions and you could win an eXact iDip® digital photometer for smart digital water testing.

Find out more about the solutions and products we will be presenting at IPVS


Trouw Nutrition’s platform of piglet feed solutions is designed for total piglet performance.


Selko is the feed additive brand of Trouw Nutrition. Selko offers a complete package of products, know-how and services.


Watson, a NutriOpt service is a nutritional calculation model that works out how, and within which parameters, conditions and performance could be technically optimised.