Feed technology to enhance nutrient digestion and reduce environmental impact
We recognize our customers’ challenges and provide them with solutions that balance animal performance and the efficient and sustainable use of feed ingredients. Our multidisciplinary science team develops feed technologies that:
- Support farm animals’ digestive capacity by improving the digestion efficiency of feed ingredients, with a focus on soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, or non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), and aiming to better understand how to unlock non-utilized energy from NSP structures.
- Impact sustainability by targeting the animals’ feed efficiency, resulting in improved animal performance and reduced environmental impact.
- Create a better understanding of fibre digestion. We examine the synergy of digestive enzymes and (commercial) NSP-degrading enzymes (NSPase) by developing in-vitro models aiming to correlate in-vitro with in-vivo fibre degradation and utilization.
- Use in-vitro models to benchmark a wide range of (commercial) feed enzymes with a focus on phytases, NSPases and proteases. Developing a predictive in-vitro model allows for rapid screening of enzymatic benefits using new feed material, while improving animal welfare at the same time.
- Strengthen the management of feed ingredient variation and cost-conscious use of less frequently applied raw material sources. Mitigation of anti-nutritional nutrients (e.g., insoluble galactoarabinoxylans) by applying NSPase serves to improve the digestibility of feed and increase nutrient availability