Sprayfo Colostrum

Between 40 and 60% of the samples of colostrum taken on farm, contain insufficient amounts of antibodies.

At least 4 litres of good quality colostrum should be fed to a calf within a few hours after it is born. Colostrum of the mother is the best, as it contains farm-specific antibodies. It is however not always possible to obtain colostrum of optimal quality from each cow. Because of poor colostrum management and/or poor quality, calves may not get colostrum that must contain 50 grams of antibodies per litre. Up to 50% of calves do not have sufficient levels of antibodies transferred to their circulation.


Feeding colostrum of optimal quality

Sprayfo Colostrum

Sprayfo Colostrum is a colostrum supplement, based on colostrum from cows that can be used to enrich the quality of colostrum or as a colostrum replacer when cow colostrum is of insufficient quality.

  • Sprayfo Colostrum contains at least 20% IgG, which is considered the most important antibody for young calves. When mixed in warm water, 50 grams of antibodies / litre can therefore always be achieved.
  • The product is an easy to apply and prepare, freeze-dried powder of which the uptake in calves is excellent.
  • Uses a simple protocol to determine the best strategy to replace or supplement farm colostrum.

Colostrum with a brix value of 22 or higher contains at least 50 grams of antibodies per liter and is suitable to be fed to calves

Colostrum quality can be measured by using a brix refractometer. If the brix value is 18 or below, the colostrum tested should not be used. If the brix value is between 19 and 21, it is possible to enrich the colostrum by adding Sprayfo Colostrum according to this table.