Trouw Nutrition opens new calf and beef research facility in the Netherlands
State-of-the-art research facility to accelerate global innovation in ruminant nutrition
Boxmeer, the Netherlands
Trouw Nutrition, the global leader in innovative feed specialities, calf milk replacers, premixes and nutritional services for the animal nutrition industry, has today opened its new Calf & Beef Research Facility, close to Boxmeer, in the Netherlands.
With state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment, this new facility will engage in advanced studies alongside the group's two existing dairy facilities in Boxmeer and Burford, Canada, to accelerate innovation in ruminant nutrition.

Knut Nesse, CEO of Nutreco, and Prof Louise Fresco, President of the Executive Board at Wageningen University officially opened the facility at a special ceremony attended by more than 300 colleagues, representing industry and academia from all over the world. These guests also joined a two-day symposium, with presentations from the international leading scientists on calf and beef nutrition, tours of the research facilities and networking opportunities.
Trouw Nutrition R&D Director, Prof Leo den Hartog comments: "A key trend in both dairy and beef production globally is the desire to gain a greater understanding of how to maximise the full genetic potential of the animal. Science steers us towards the start of life as the key period at which we can make significant gains in production. Our expanding research capacity is a recognition of these developments.
By 2050 the world population is expected to grow by 30% and the demand for dairy and meat expected to double. Meeting this demand will be a challenge for the agricultural industry. This investment therefore plays a vital role in the development of new nutritional solutions that can tap into the recognised need to feed the world in a more efficient and sustainable way. The new facility increases the global innovation capability for Trouw Nutrition, adding to the five R&D centres already in use around the world."
The research farm consists of four main sections: a free stall for growing cattle; two sections dedicated to rearing calves – one with individual calf housing, and the other with group pens with automatic feeders that monitor the feeding behaviour of individual animals. It will also include a metabolism unit for physiological and digestibility studies, with calves and larger growing cattle.