Practical information
Date: January 28 - 30
Location: Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Booth: A823 - see the floorplan below for the specific location
The International Production & Processing Expo is the world's largest annual poultry and egg, meat and animal feed industry event of its kind. Join us in Atlanta on January 28 - 30, 2025!
During the peak laying, hens often do not consume enough feed to meet their protein and calcium requirements. This stress can disrupt the gut microbiota, resulting in pathogenic bacterial outbreaks, such as E. coli. A variety of feed additives have been promoted to support gut health, including phytogenics, probiotics, prebiotics, and organic acids, among others. In general, their effects are related to the development of beneficial bacteria and inhibition of pathogens, intestinal morphology, and digestion.
Some solutions can be added via water, such as blends of buffered organic acids. Selko has carried out seven trials in different countries including more than 100,000 hens. The application of Selko AlpHa in hens' water resulted in improvements in gut health, eggshell quality, laying performance, and mortality rate.
During the TechTalk, Giseli Heim will explain how we got to these results and the impact of Selko AlpHa on hen performance.
The International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF) will be held January 27-28, 2025, alongside IPPE. The forum presents information on industry topics such as environmental management, nutrition, physiology, pathology, processing and products, and avian diseases.
We will be presenting latest research around the synergystic effect of buffered organic acids in water. Read more about our oral presentation and poster presentation below.
The presenting author for both the oral and poster presentations is Giseli Heim.
Title: A synergistic blend of organic acids administered in water improves the productive traits of broilers
The search for alternatives to traditional antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) is increasing. Organic acid (OA)-based additives, such as Selko AlpHa, have emerged as a promising option due to their beneficial effect on intestinal health and animal performance. A meta analysis of two studies suggest that a basal diet plus 1L Selko-AlpHa/1000L water enhances broiler production performance and could serve as an effective growth-promoting strategy in an AGP-free production system.
Title: Efficacy of a blend of organic acids in water in reducing Salmonella Heidelberg contamination in broilers
Salmonella Heidelberg (SH) is a significant public health concern due to its antibiotic resistance and potential to infect humans. This 42 days-study evaluated the effects of Selko AlpHa in water on reducing SH at slaughter. The findings suggest that this product can be a viable strategy to enhance food safety and quality in poultry production.